Welcome to Building Blocks Phonics! You will need to complete each of the 20 lessons in this course in order. You will not have access to all of the lessons when you start. The course has been divided into 4 sections, with 5 lessons in each section, and each section has its own start date:
- Section 1: Modules 1-5, January 13th
- Section 2: Modules 6-10, January 31st
- Section 3: Modules 11-15, February 14th
- Section 4: Modules 16-20, February 28th
For each module, please work down the page from top to bottom. Carefully read ALL the given instructions and review ALL of the provided materials. Pay special attention to the slides provided, and follow along as you watch or listen to the video for each module.
The checklist at the top of each module must be completed before you can take the quiz and move on to the next module.
Your instructor will see all of your activities and engagements with the module materials, not just your quiz results, so take your time and make sure you have reviewed all of the materials before taking the quiz and moving to the next lesson.
Let’s get started!